Welcome to the room most likely to weather the credit crunch, a vast vault filled with the final word in financial security: gold.
Several thousand 28 lb bars of 24-carat gold stored in the Bank of England's massive underground vault could surely reassure anyone of us!
The bank of England is the second-largest gold store - the largest is the Federal Reserve bank vault in New York
As we saw the noble metal trading at $ 275 an ounce a few years ago, today an ounce of gold fetches $ 787. Each bar of gold are worth $ 325,000 as much as a top range Ferrari or again the average home in Florida.
If you look long enough at the picture, one may be able to see 15,000 bars--- 210 tonnes of pure gold value at $ 5 Billion.
In fact what you see is 1/20 of the gold stored in concrete-lined vaults in London.
Most of the gold stored here is held by the Bank of England on behalf of other depositors, notably the central banks of various foreign governments.
As the world loses its faith in most investments, gold still provides a sense of security.
Via: Daily Mail
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